This is an interactive visualization of the American federal court system.
Upon closing this page, you will find an overview chart with supreme, appellate, and district courts.
Each circle [] represents an authorized judgeship, and each rectangle [] represents a court. Circles with no fill [] signify judge vacancies.
To highlight judges according to presidents who appointed them or according to those presidents' political parties, check the boxes on the bottom left of the page.
Click on a court to see more detailed information on the judges who have served on that court over time.
Note this visualization only shows Article III courts, and the data was last updated in December of 2019 via export from the Federal Judicial Center.
This website was created with jQuery and D3 by Natalie Schultz-Henry in 2019 for her senior project in Computing and the Arts at Yale University.
Federal Judiciary Interactive
Supreme Court
Appellate Courts
District Courts
Each circle represents an authorized judgeship for the court in which it sits.